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Stretch at your desk

Yoga Class

Breathe & Meditate


Yoga Class

Stretch at your desk

family Classes 


This class uses postures, breathing, and meditation to help ease pregnancy, delivery and the after effects of birth. The class creates strength, focus, flexibility and awareness through a gentle practice designed especially for the pregnant woman’s needs.

mommy & baby

Get back in shape while strengthening the bond between you and your infant.  Experience flowing asanas, and calming restorative time while also massaging and playing with your baby. This class is appropriate for moms who are at least 6 weeks postpartum and until baby is crawling. 

kids yoga

A great way for your child to unwind after a long school day and week.Yoga for kids can help build confidence, body awareness, and a focus on the breath as a tool for centering. A kids class typically features stories, partner dynamics, animal sounds and laughter

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