Magnified Healing is a holistic approach to healing your body naturally. Everyone can benefit from Magnified Healing. If you are healthy, the energy works to help you stay clear and balanced. If you have been diagnosed with a disease, are under any form of stress or have an injury, Magnified Healing will assist in the healing process.
A beautiful Heart Based modality from Lady Quan Yin, the energy in your hands is magnified one thousand The Creating Energies.
The Meditation starts with an activation of your palm chakras, moves on to some basic Magnified Healing exercises and self-activations, and then as you relax and unwind, you receive, from yourself, a lovely soothing self-healing.
The sounds of the Gongs then transport you to a deeper level of relaxation and healing. We end with an Earth Healing and some Gratitude.
Open to all levels.
Timing : Friday 26th October at 5:00pm (60 minutes)
Joining Fee: 110 aed
About the instructor: zarine Dadachanji
Zarine is a facilitator for guided sound meditations, energy healing and space clearings. She plays the gongs, singing bowls and other instruments during the sessions. She continues to study the Way of the Gong with the Grand Gong Master, Don Canreaux. She is also a certified Laughter Yoga Leader. she facilitates all these sessions for children and adults of all nationalities, in schools, centers, homes, and corporates, all over the UAE and has facilitated Gong Meditations in England, France, San Diego, Karachi and Kuwait.